Introducing Mehler Systems - Unified Source for Ballistic Protection and Tactical Gear

FULDA, GERMANY (13 November 2023)
Today we introduce Mehler Systems, a significant milestone in our corporate journey that brings all Mehler Systems companies under one roof. This new name unites the already renowned brands of UF PRO and Lindnerhof with that of Mehler Protection, itself a new brand that combines all existing ballistic-protection activities of Mehler Systems into one entity.
The move harmonises the name, image, and branding of our Group as a leading provider of high-end protection and tactical-equipment systems for worldwide defence and law enforcement customers.
Strengthening Our Collective Capabilities
The new brand-name Mehler Systems captures the essence of our Group’s purpose as a provider of comprehensive solutions for defence and security missions of a challenging nature, but it does more than that. It also speaks to a commitment to continuously evolve and innovate our way of working to even better serve our clients.
"We believe that our conscious evolution in working more cohesively as a united Mehler Systems, embracing and aligning the competencies of all our Group's companies into one brand, deserved to be reflected by the creation of a new corporate identity, complete with a new name and logo," said Mehler Systems CEO Thomas Homberg.
Beginning Chapter for Mehler Protection
In a step parallel to the adoption of the new brand-name Mehler Systems and the Group-level uniting resulting from it, we have created Mehler Protection through a brand-blending of Mehler Vario System, Mehler Engineered Defence, and Mehler Law Enforcement. This new sub-brand specialises in providing body and platform armour.
Christian Vahldiek, Managing Director of Mehler Engineered Defence, expressed enthusiasm for this collaborative branding effort. “We are excited about this joint initiative and the opportunity to combine our expertise in platform protection with the body armour offerings under a single brand,” he said.
Importantly, however, the brand-blending of the three companies does not alter their individual legal structures; those remain fully intact and unaffected.

One Family, Specialised Expertise
Although Mehler Systems is now the Group’s overall brand, Mehler Protection, UF PRO, and Lindnerhof-Taktik will continue as specialised sub-brands, according to UF PRO Managing Director Jože Kastelic and Linderhof-Taktik Managing Director Jakob Kolbeck. “Each sub-brand brings its unique skillset and established reputation as a provider of integrated, top-quality solutions,” they said in a joint statement.
What to Expect
When you engage with Mehler Systems sub-brands, you can expect the following:
- From Mehler Protection, comprehensive protection solutions in body and platform armour
- From UF PRO, high-quality tactical clothing
- From Lindnerhof, reliable carrying solutions

Our Promise: Unwavering Commitment to Quality and Innovation
“Every sub-brand under Mehler Systems is committed to delivering excellence,” Homberg said.
“We continuously utilise our combined strengths to ensure that you receive the best. Our dedicated customer group, who risk their health and lives for society’s security, is the reason we continuously strive for improvement.
We are persistent in our efforts to enhance equipment and system performance through innovative breakthroughs that match the ever-changing mission- and threat-environments of our customers.”